Cursive – The Ugly Organ – Review July 2, 2003 The Ugly Organ makes Hitchcockian tension out of barb-wire guitars, eruptive At The Drive-In energy, and a highly-strung sense of desperation.
Cursive – Burst and Bloom – Review March 22, 2002 Most overrated indie rock band? You betcha. More burst-and-yell and “clever” beats from a band that just isn’t very good.
Stay Tuned for the Holidays – A Crank! Sampler – Review June 4, 2001 From the folks who brought you some of the first emo bands/groundbreakers (if you can call ’em that) comes… more emo.
Holiday Matinee CD Compilation – Vol. 2 – Review June 4, 2001 Best friend and most eager to give hugs to gentle indie rock bands, Holiday Matinee is a PR firm that believes in and loves its roster at the same time.