Pigeonholing VHS Or Beta as !!! or Radio 4 with a Robert Smith clone for a frontman would be too easy. But it’s accurate, and by no means a negative portrayal.
More polished than many of their peers, Radio 4 offers up a blend of electro-infused post-punk that goes beyond the ubiquitous raw energy and low-fi aesthetic.
Kathleen Hanna’s seething siren howl blaring over Johanna Fateman’s chunky, fuzzed guitar and JD Samson’s writhing and cranking beats is perfection to my ears.
Compiles four vaguely holiday-related episodes picked from the four most recent seasons: Two from season 12, one from season 14, and one from season 15.
Insightful interviews with band members, roadies, tour manager, merch guy, and other selected friends intermingled with live footage and other candid moments.
Looking past all the spectacles and accessories, The Polyphonic Spree is nothing more than a quirky indie-pop band, akin to The Flaming Lips or The Unicorns.
Jenny Lewis’ enchanting voice floats over stories of love and loss, then seamlessly stab you through the heart with unexpected burst of expletives and wails.