American Hair Metal – Review

March 3, 2007

Much has been written and filmed about the ’80s and ’90s hair metal flash, most of which falls somewhere between tongue-in-cheek and downright mocking in tone.

Rollerderby – The Book – Review

November 1, 1996

Lisa (Suckdog) Carver’s Rollerderby is the ‘zine that Sassy wishes it were – the work of a feminist who still enjoys being a girl.

Death Scenes – Review

October 1, 1996

Presented in eerie black and white with the original hand-scrawled descriptions beneath them, the majority of these photos are very terrifying.

Cult Rapture – Review

October 1, 1996

Though the first half of the book focuses on the ridiculous, Parfrey takes a political swing in the second half, and tends to lean in favor of the Militias.