Rip the Net – Fiction

May 1, 1996

The Internet, for those of you unfamiliar with this wonder of modern technology, is very slow TV.

Pawtucket 11 p.m. – Fiction

May 1, 1996

Hot summer night, sticky and treacherous. Red night. Night of sirens and fear. We were sitting on the balcony of my apartment in Pawtucket, three of us.

What Goes Pop in The Night – Fiction

April 1, 1996

People piss me off. I think there’re too many of them. I’d like to pop a few, but I won’t. I don’t know why I won’t. Probably ’cause I ain’t got the nerve.

Hitard the Fool – Fiction

April 1, 1996

She pulled at his ears. He pulled at her ass. She stepped back, staggering and gasping, not like one would expect from a Queen. She grabbed at the jug blissfully.

The Culture Bunker – Fiction

March 1, 1996

I was relaxing in my hyperbolic chamber, when, through the triple-density Perplexiglas and clogged whimsy filter, I heard a muffled knock at my door.

Pigeons – Fiction

March 1, 1996

Pigeons gave me insights into many things, but above all, they were fun. I would reward the good ones, punish the bad ones, and protect all of them.

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