Grand Theft Audio – Blame Everyone – Review April 1, 2001 Grand Theft Audio are onto something with their interesting blend of rock balls, lush pop sing-a-longs, and electronica’s, um, electronic sounds.
DJ Icey – Generate – Review January 1, 1999 Here’s a switch: Lyrics. Hard breakbeat, a few boom-boom-booms, tweaked samples, a healthy amount of space, and thou.
Tindersticks – Curtains – Review September 1, 1997 What other band drags a whining, junksick melodica over an impatient backbeat? Or snags Ann Magnuson and Isabella Rossellini to serve as vocal foils?
Grosse Pointe Blank soundtrack – Review July 1, 1997 The soundtrack for Grosse Pointe Blank is, simply put, the mix tape you made for that beach trip back in ’87.
Metalheadz – Platinum Breakz – Review April 1, 1997 Judged against just about any music released prior to the early nineties, Metalheadz Platinum Breakz sounds enticingly new and different.
The Meices – Dirty Bird – Review May 1, 1996 The Meices are unafraid to be melodic, even sensitive, but still retain the flip exuberance that makes the rough stuff fun.
Grotus – Mass – Review May 1, 1996 The wheezing Delta Blues, vacuum sucking, static belches, and spacey sounds are used for all styles, from rock, to slacker rap, to tech metal and beyond.