A loose, natural, friendly affair that fully captures Rosie Thomas and friends (Denison Witmer and Sufjan Stevens) just messing around and having a good time.
The Cardigans worked on their new album in sporadic bursts, creating deadlines in order to capture the slightly-rushed, spontaneous feel of a jam session.
This has cohesion and a slow-burning eroticism as well as Alpha’s trademark ’70s AM gold popcraft, capturing both the Bacharachian mood as well as the songs.
Poor Sense Field just can’t seem to get a bit o’ peace and quiet. After finally finding a good home and releasing a well-received album, guitarist Rodney Sellars’ daughter was paralyzed in a car accident.
Just as their popularity was peaking among fans of rhythmic noise, they released this mediocre excursion into the less abrasive world of trance and ambient.