Oscar Race 2000 – Column

April 1, 2000

When summer is over and Hollywood is finished making its money, things in movieland start to get serious. It’s usually around Labor Day that the Oscar race begins, and it doesn’t come to a stop until all the snow has melted.

The Lonelies – Part Two – Fiction

June 1, 1999

As Will hurried through the dark, freezing streets, he thought about the plan: Get the hell out of this town, marry Winona Ryder, and live happily ever after. All he had to do was write a book…

Immortal Combat – Fiction

November 1, 1998

I’m still not ready to get started on my great American novel, but the idea that I might be someday keeps me chaste from all sorts of pagan influences.

Graffic Traffic – Column

February 1, 1997

While it’s a four-part mini-series and over by the time of this writing, I recommend Milestone’s Wise Son – The White Wolf (art and story by Ho Che Anderson).

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