The self-imposed label of “queer punk” is a little shaky. Total Entertainment! is about as punk as The Go-Gos were. Still, the guys have come far as songwriters.
Lookout! Freakout has some really bright, fresh bands that remind me of borrowing my parent’s car to go to the lake, the amusement park, the movies, whatever.
A sampling of every record (including 7″s and EPs) Lookout! released in 1997. Gives you a pretty good understanding of where Lookout! is coming from these days.
The flaming princes of queercore are back! Jon Ginoli has taken singing lessons, or has been smoking a lot. I love this music, and I’m not ashamed of it.
They ran through most of their new album, Pile Up, and a lot of my earlier faves, such as “Rock ‘N’ Roll Queer Bar,” “Cocksucker Club,” and “James Bondage.”
If you enjoyed the comps Kill Rock Stars, Stars Kill Rock, or Rock Stars Kill, then you’ll be into this double CD as well. There are 39 bands, one track each.