Glorious production, layered harmonies, metal as rich as Strapping Young Lad, yet more like his melodic solo stuff. Strong, clean singing and keyboard work.
No idea why Raunchy doesn’t catch on more. Fear Factory and Strapping Young Lad took off, and Raunchy mix in the clean singing of Avenged Sevenfold as well.
The compressed “future metal” of Fear Factory mixed with the more singable parts of Strapping Young Lad (more accurately, Devin’s solo stuff). Pretty cool.
Split (kinda) into power metal on disc one and extreme on disc two, tracked alphabetically per disc, there’s so much to open yer eyes, if yer at all into metal.
Reaching back to Killing Joke, Ministry, and Godflesh, Raunchy bridge the old school with the new, most notably that of Fear Factory and Strapping Young Lad.