Italy’s princesses of ballerina metal return, offering 72 minutes of symphonic priss rock (A 60 piece orchestra was used, and often) about dragons and castles.
The musicianship is stellar, the vocals draw you in, and you can’t avoid bouncing your head and wishing you could hit the high notes so you could sing along.
When ya open with a barnstormer like the title track, it’s hard to settle into the Lord of the Rings-esque symphonic doofiness of the rest of the record.
This Spanish label’s tribute is more elfish prancing, sissy squeals, and limp-noddle wagging than anything resembling “power metal” or “melodic speed metal.”
I must be a frilly-shirted fruitcake cuz I love this record! As songs like “Holy Thunderforce” roar and beat their chests, soloists like Yngwie run for cover.