Godzilla – Review

November 1, 1998

Honestly, it is Jean Reno and Hank Azaria who save almost any scene they’re in, especially working off each other.

Graffic Traffic – Column

November 1, 1998

Naughty Bits #26 is as good as ever, and even better. This is the issue where BitchyBitch finally gets laid, and gets laid goooood.

Ranting Again – Review

November 1, 1998

The only drawback of this collection is technical: On the page, his material loses the benefit of his smooth delivery, and that little self-satisfied giggle.

Graffic Traffic – Column

September 1, 1998

Remember, it’s your Comic Book Store, they just own it, work there, and pay all the bills. But when you talk to them, you might not wanna harp on that stuff…

Graffic Traffic – Column

April 1, 1998

Considering how many consecutive columns I’ve found SuperHero-Team books a bore chore, it’s something when I find three books recently to be among my faves.

Graffic Traffic – Column

November 1, 1997

First off was the anthology title Keyhole. Usually anthologies are like asking to be bored out of one’s skull, but this one is different.

Graffic Traffic – Column

October 1, 1997

I get so sick of reading what is likely to be another in the 99-in-a-hundred super-hero comics suck pile, that I just gotta try a different flavor.

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