Adventures of Super Devil (Cherrydisc)
by Scott Hefflon
Heretix are back with a goddamned vengeance. After simmering in the late ’80s (shiver) and having the juice cut off right when they were starting to cook, it’s got to leave a foul taste in their mouths and a grumbling in their bellies. Well, it seems they’ve found the perfect outlet for the frustrated energy and barbed pop that made them hot in the first place. The Adventures of Super Devil unleashes the new and improved Heretix. It’s not just a repackaging of the old; it includes a new ingredient, Mike Welsh (formerly of Left Nut), and is now available in a new concentrated formula. They still possess the “well-crafted pop sensibility” of the 120 Minutes alternative daze, but now it’s more focused, grittier, and much heavier. It’s most obvious on tunes like “10-2-1” and “Taste” that were also on Continuous Soft Hits on the Head. While the songs were catchy with their acoustic guitar and clever lyrics, there was always a sense of restraint. That was late ’91 and this is late ’93 and the crowd demands an all-out effort. This tight new release brings the rock ‘n’ roll antix of the pop-smart veterans into the aggressive alternative age as top competitors.