Spine (SST)
by Paul Lee
The famed SST has put out some ear-splitting and bongo stuff in the past. From the hardcore staples to some weird mind-benders, SST/Cruz (etc.) has been there, done that, what’s next? Here comes 1994 and SST has released Transition from the golden land of California. Transition, hardcore-influenced dudes who can blast power chords and even let their singer carry a tune on their new disc, Spine.
What we have here is pretty standard ’90s punk that sounds a lot like it came from the Cali hardcore scene. (Cali-core?) Add to the brew some good vox. They know their shit and sing of the unfairness of life, the fucked state of the world, you know, the usual. Transition is cool (like a good late night diner serving the usual grub, but doing it well) but don’t really say or produce anything new and exciting.
There’s a lot of really good music coming out now, but Transition can’t really stand up to the competition. Decent stuff, but are you willing to invest $12 for 30 minutes of music?