6L6 – with Orangutang at The Rat – Review


with Orangutang at The Rat
by Joey Ammo
photo by Chris Johnson

The brain-shaving WBCN Rumble finalists do it again with Superstar, their second full-length CD release for Ken Cmar’s Summit Records. The disc takes a definitive step toward a more melodically accessible sound than their much-heralded previous album, Not Even Warm. Vocalist/bassist Ted Condo does continue in his confrontationally personal style of lyric writing however, such as on the CD’s title track: “Time to heal an open wound/ Straight to a grave/ Straight from a womb.” The song decries the draining experience of persisting in the scene, and the hollowness of accolades that often seem to lead in a circle. Their recent self-organized tour was just such a dichotomous experience for the band, both enlightening and sobering in its realities (see Pit Report, issue #19). “We’re just trying to enjoy what we’re doing,” explains drummer George Perez, “you never know when it’s all going to end.”

An astute observation, as we watch Orangutang‘s farewell set, where 6L6’s release party has taken place tonight.

The tube-boys pounded through a meaty set of old and new sludgethrob anthems, with Condo in his usual “wail of the angst-ridden” form. The addition of Jon Skibic on guitar and vocals has lifted the music, and the performance, to another level of entertainment and accessibility. “Jon has had a more melodic influence on the new material,” says Perez, “and that’s something that we needed.” Ted Condo is an outstanding performer and vocalist (not to mention a bonafide local pop icon by now, with his Willem DaFoe looks and impeccable style), but the step toward the more song-oriented approach that Skibic offers brings 6L6 into the front of the hardcore pack.