Hotel Massachusetts
by Joey Ammo
Here’s an all-too-brief mention of one of the finest CD compilations to pass through here in quite a while, Hotel Massachusetts, from the Western Mass-based label Chunk Records. It has twenty-two tracks (plus an intro) of indie rock from some great local bands: Sebadoh, Zeke Fiddler, New Radiant Storm Kings, Home, Lumber, Lyres, The Unband, Skinner Pilot, Tizzy, Queer, Ray Mason Band, The Veronica Cartwrights, Angry Johnny and the Killbillies, Fuzzy, Steve Westfield, Hoolapopper, The Dots, The Maggies, Miss Reed, Squeek, Philth Shack, and Silver Jews. The release party was held at T.T. the Bear’s, home of CD compilation parties. Hotel Massachusetts is a strong collection. I’d suggest giving it a listen.