Metropolitan Rage Warehouse – Stick It To The Man! – Review

Metropolitan Rage Warehouse

Stick It To The Man!
by Lex Marburger

With all the fancy metaphors and allusions in today’s songs, the possibility arises that we’ve forgotten what we’re talking about, the soul of this rock/hardcore/whatever, it’s something-different-that-only-a-few-people-like. This is about rebellion, people. Maybe too much artsy MTV purposelessness has distracted us, maybe we don’t want to dirty our hands. On Stick It To The Man!, Metropolitan Rage Warehouse is here to remind us, in no uncertain terms, what a healthy youth should be doing – questioning, fighting ignorance, and flying in the face of convention and “normality.” Steal necessities, don’t obey the media or the government, and fight the oppressor – any oppressor. There’s also a really cool graphic on the CD itself.