Wheelie (Wicked Disc)
by Joshua Brown
photo by Joe Reilly
Courtney Love has secret sexual feelings for King Buzzo of the Melvins, but wouldn’t ever do anything about it (or so she tells herself). So she dyes her hair black and rocks really SLOWLY. Have you ever picked up a magazine, while waiting in a grocery line, with the word SEX plastered all over the cover, and then flipped through its pages only to find nothing sexy at all about its contents? Milkmoney aren’t really like that. They sound more like how your body feels after eating a visually satisfying meal without nutritional value. As anyone with his or her heart open to dumpsters can understand, synthetic burger-fries-shake combos have a cheap but priceless quality that all the bean sprouts in the world will never replace. Even if Bart Simpson did discover a comet and Sluggo actually sees Nancy naked.