Polyvinyl Press – #4 – Review

Polyvinyl Press

#4 $1 (P.O. Box 1885, Danville, IL 61834-1885)
by J. Lianna Ness

A bit on the tenuous side – just 22 pages (it only took 15 minutes to read), but still a pleasant perusal. This issue features an article on a skateboarding demonstration, an interview with ‘zine publisher and distributor Basil Shadid of Basement Children, and the customary reviews: Records, ‘zines, and live shows. The black and white photos that accompany the live reviews are excellent considering this is a low budget xeroxed operation. Polyvinyl also distributes other ‘zines and records, including their own CD compilation which should be available by the time you read this. Write to them for more details.