#4 $3.50 (PO Box 423464, San Francisco, CA 94142)
by Mark Phinney
I’m taking a stand for all the obese people on the planet… every last one of us. After a long meeting at Taco Bell between a Burrito Supreme and myself, I set out in search of the next great ‘zine to review. I had no idea I would find such a treasure, but there it was, sitting proudly on the shelf – a ‘zine made by fat people for fat people – FAT! SO? Fat is fun! Fat is fantastic! As soon as I saw the editor’s letter, “All The Fat That’s Fit To Print,” I knew this would be pure fat fun. Concealed in this issue are flying fat fairies, fat trading cards, and fat essays. I’m proud of the cellulite journalists in this country, and the uncharted fast food joints they conquer. This is not a joke – this is the real thing – a legitimate forum by and for fat folk. I raise my glass to their efforts and their fearless insight into my favorite pastime… eating. As they so eloquently advise us in the “Comebacks” column, the next time someone says “You’re fat!,” you can answer them with “Yeah, and you’re a fucking rocket scientist!” Right on! Remember, fat people have feelings, too. Being fat is not a crime, it’s just a little inconvenient.