#1 $2 (123 W. 93rd St. #2C NY, NY 10025)
by Mark Phinney
My boy Lee is back at it, always hard at work taking the rockabilly scene to new and greater heights, and branching out, this time with a freshly minted ‘zine. Lo-Fi is a new entry on the ‘zine scene, and one of the best in the rockabilly category already. In the first swingin’ issue, we get a cool look at some of rockabilly’s heavy hitters, with of course my pals, The Royal Crowns (“Mark who?” – The Royal Crowns. Ed.), a feature story on The Atomics with Tommy and his chick gracing the cover. This ‘zine is chock full o’ hip reviews, including a new release from The Reverend himself. Plus cool coverage on some rocking N.Y.C. bands like Unhinged and Slickpelt. Be a cool modern and check it out. Good work, Lee ol’ boy.