Pogo Strut Slam Swivel Mosh
(Devil Doll)
by Joshua Brown
Attention punk rockers: Next time you visit your local used record store, be sure to trade in your copy of Punk-O-Rama as credit toward Pogo Strut Slam Swivel & Mosh. The latter compilation is proof positive that there is still a diverse and lively punk rock community in 1996, while the former was an exercise in self-fulfilling prophecy. Since Epitaph set the ground rules for “making it big” in punk rock, too many lemmings have followed their plastic formula for disposability. P.S.S.S.&M. is an exceptionally well-chosen smorgasbord, of well- and lesser known acts that rivals (and often out-does) the authoritative quality of the Lookout! double LP comp, The Thing That Ate Floyd. Since the energy never lets up, it would be perfect to throw in at a party. “Stars” like NOFX, Lagwagon, and Screw 32 sit comfortably aside lesser known greats like Zeke and Holland’s Funeral Ovation, as well as veterans JFA and Youth Brigade. Even bands I thought I didn’t like sound good on this comp. There are 25 bands (70 minutes of music) and most of the tracks are previously unreleased.