Mugwart – Discography – Review


Discography (Devil Doll)
by Craig Regala

>>FILE UNDER METAL “M”<< No shit! Guys from Beaten Back To Pure (best band name ever) and Eyehategod make a grind-rock ripper so good it puts me in mind of a doomful Unsane or a New Orleans version of Britain’s Charger. Trashy, real recording with great live as fuck drumming (to keep it gummy – call it the Weedeater blues effect), supporting a mid-tempo power surge as physical as a six-inch blade covered with dried raccoon guts jammed between your forth and fifth ribs. Gritty, harsh rock probably birthed from formative years full of hardcore. Thus giving the members an approach to apply to other tempos and structures whilst keeping the dirt-under-the-fingernails reality this kinda thing needs to keep it from becoming bunk. This is not bunk. It’s a keeper.
(PO Box 30666 Long Beach, CA 90853)