Why Techno? – Column

December 1, 1996

The first musicians banged rocks together, sticks together, bones together. Later, someone had the revelation that you could bang different things together.

End-of-year List – Column

December 1, 1996

I shall make a list of 25 records spanning the history of rock music that, without which, I would shortly be found naked, curled into a fetal position.

My Top Ten List – Column

December 1, 1996

Steel Miners – All Hopped Up: Six scuzzy nuggets that fly by in two minute garage bursts. It’s coarse, crude, mean, and hands down the best record of 1996.

Lex’s Top Ten of ’96 – Column

December 1, 1996

Squirrel Nut Zippers – Hot: One of the most exciting live shows I’ve seen. Dixieland has once again been fired with new blood and new ideas. Even punks like it.

Nik’s Piks For Ninety-Sihks – Column

December 1, 1996

Stereolab – Emperor Tomato Ketchup: I’m tempted to call this their best retro-techno concoction yet. It’s also their best album with a condiment in the title.

Graffic Traffic – Column

December 1, 1996

Chuck Dixon weaves a story that makes sense, holds together, and incredibly, actually adds to the Joker persona and to the on-going Joker-Batman entanglement.

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