Go! Dog! Go!
Glad to be Unhappy (Risk)
by Austin Nash
It’s not pretty. It’s tortured. It’s intense and manic. It’s Kurt Cobain on speed instead of heroin. It’s discordant, and has that fucking saxophone that floats over the whirlpool of strain and anguish that just has no place save but to be purposely out of place. But it’s a good kind of torture, and the anti-matter approach ends up working.
Go! Dog! Go! is like a self-help book that says “fuck you, I’m just trying to stay alive myself!” and then slams itself shut forever. Glad to be Unhappy rocks hard with Helmet-like strength, much screaming, and some fantastic and technically sound guitar work. On the rock meter, I give it a 10; production, 9; song writing, 8. Average score, 9. Will it see the inside of my CD player again? Definitely.