God Is My Co-Pilot
The Best of… (Atavistic)
by Nik Rainey
“We’re here! We’re queer! We’re going to fuck your children!” Melissa Etheridge this ain’t. In fact, queerpolitik is almost never as musically edgy and full-on abrasive as it is in the callused hands of God Is My Co-Pilot. Hailing from Finland, GodCo’s been yanking the bravehearted sideways for years with a mixture of neo-no wave, screech-heavy perv-punk and cunning linguistics in several darting tongues. This 22-track compilation is an envelope-schtupping delight for both fans and novices, consisting of remixes, covers, split-single tracks and other such rarefied rarities. Highlights: a cover of “Totally Wired” that manages to live up to its name even more than the Fall’s original, the above-quoted “Queer Disco Anthem,” “Rubber or Leather” (a collaboration with Elliott Sharp and Michael Evans), and the crazed “Björkfruits,” which extrapolates from an offhand comment made by the elfin Ice maiden (“What is the gap between idea and fuck? What is the path from the clitoris to the heart?”). In addition to the wacked horns and feral tempos, you get many, many quotable nuggets sure to offend even the pink triangle brigade. I can’t resist: “If there were twice as many girls in this village/ Who could fuck half as well as I can/ Then we could sell the boys as well/…Maybe the fishing boats would buy them?” Oh yeah .