Beck – Mutations – Review

April 1, 1999

Soaked in an ambience as warm as an old tube amp, Mutations knocks off seamless collages of organic source material with his trademark nonsense-as-wit.

Sebadoh – The Sebadoh – Review

April 1, 1999

Fear not, sensitive males and the females who break up with them, Barlow’s still cranking out the most sincere nice-guy rock in the land.

VVV – Endless – Review

April 1, 1999

Vega’s “return to roots” album (if the misshapen, denuded weedlets that sprout from the cracks of Avenue A can be considered roots).

Fuck – Conduct – Review

April 1, 1999

Although Conduct is a somewhat more plugged-in affair than their previous disc, Pardon My French, the rockier moments lack the thrust of macho metallurgy.

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