Killing Floor – Divide By Zero – Review

Killing Floor

Divide By Zero (Reconstriction)
by Chris Best

Whoa Nelly, this is good! From San Francisco, where reactionary, misguided, and usually un-informed politics has been a way of life for over three decades, Killing Floor are an exception. This album’s main focus is on human rights, and before you roll your eyes, it must be said that they talk a good game (I don’t know them personally and cannot in any way comment on their actions) without making arguments, and tell it like it is. What makes Killing Floor so special is that they are a genuine industrial band with the politics of a hardcore group. It’s refreshing to get a break from the angst and loneliness (on an unrelated note, if a song, I mean any song, starts off with any variation on the word “lonely,” the song automatically sucks. Trent Reznor is the exception; he broke all the bad poetry rules and somehow got away with it. He is a trained professional, however, and kids should not try this at home) with a good healthy dose of reality. Too many times industrial bands seem to live in a vacuum where the only politics that exist are the paranoid babblings of college-educated morons who got the wrong idea from Foucault and Nietzsche. By the way, the music is awesome too.