The Electric Hellfire Club – Unholy Roller – Review

The Electric Hellfire Club

Unholy Roller (Cleopatra)
by Chris Best

From the Bay City Rollers-esque intro to the first song (and title track), I knew I was going to be bored. Sure, Satan sells records, and it is a nice touch to spell it out for the dumb fans out their, but there’s a time to hang up the robe and pitchfork and realize that your joke is about as funny as asking people if they want fries with their order. Since this is mostly remixes, I can dismiss the mediocre material as b-sides that should’ve never seen the light of day. Oh yeah, they cover “Shout at the Devil.” If anything gives away a lack of Satanic originality, it’s that. In ten years, the kids will be laughing their asses off at Marilyn Manson while savoring the irony like a fine wine… across town, Electric Hellfire Club won’t even be in the cut-out bin.