New Wave Hookers – Review

January 1, 1999

Loud, crude, and armed with a sense of aesthetics that overwhelms any concept so wad-shot in punk rock as creativity.

Migraines – Juvenilia – Review

January 1, 1999

Migraines are best noted for being one of the few bands almost no one’s ever heard of, but everyone will confuse with Vindictive and/or Sloppy Seconds.

Midget – Jukebox – Review

January 1, 1999

They really oughtta come to terms with the fact that they’re better at dippy, punky pop than filtering the Beatles through too many Goo Goo Dolls records.

MC5 – Starship – Review

January 1, 1999

Recorded a scant four months before Kick Out the Jams, Starship is virtually the alternative (read: “less listenable”) take of their first record.

Lostsouls – Fracture – Review

January 1, 1999

Combining elements of Korn, Machine Head, Fear Factory, and Meshuggah, it’s surprising that I have little more to say than, “Wow! Great Production!”

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