Dead Lazlo’s Place – Lonely Street – Review

Dead Lazlo’s Place

Lonely Street (New Red Archives)
by Scott Hefflon

Because NRA is famous for having a catalog filled with bands who mattered later in life, perhaps ya oughtta look into Dead Lazlo’s Place now, just in case they somehow make a dent. Lonely Street‘s songs open with some of the most generic chord structures in punk/rock, yet a few bars in, you’ve forgotten your initial groan. Harder (as in “more metal”) than most punk, the songs also have moments of distorted vocals, hardcore-sounding group shouts, and that cheesy delay metal bands use before they figure out how to use their equipment. DLP are supposed to be angry and drunk hard punk, and they’ve been on comps for Fearless and Shredder, but I’m just having trouble finding anything much to say about them.
(PO Box 210501 San Francisco, CA 94121)