Creeps on Candy
Wonder of Giardia (Alternative Tentacles)
by Jon Sarre
Dead and Gone with a different grump singin’ thru a distorted haze of cut-up Jesus Lizard sound-alike structure, so that’s the nutshell. Maybe Creeps On Candy take themselves too seriously (or not) for anyone else to take ’em seriously, but I understand little behind their tremendous rhythm section Berlin Wall of Sound. Next to Joey Perales’ drums and Brian Hern’s bass, Rocky Crane’s guitar sounds impossibly thin and singer Matt Decker is comically reduced to a little pissed off guy ranting in an isolation booth (hmmm, sorta describes Rollins), the lyrics comin’ thru in raspy, slurred snatches. All good, sure, but Creeps only seem to have one groove which they repeatedly fall back on. This gives the impression that the record is comprised of one song cut into 14 pieces, all falling around 2:30. As far as the one song goes, it’s not a bad one, but it gets old, y’know?
(PO Box 419092 San Francisco, CA 94141)