Bridges With Spirit – Adam Voith – Review

Bridges With Spirit

by Adam Voith (Chapelle TNT: Seattle, WA, $12.00, 150 pp.)
by Thomas Christian

Mickey Lawrence is the chief protagonist of 24-year old Adam Voith’s debut novel, Bridges With Spirit. The bridge referred to here is the conduit that stretches between generations and born with the “spirit” of rock’n’roll.

Mickey tells the ever-changing story of his father’s unintentional brush with celebrity three decades earlier at a Beatles concert in Pittsburgh and progresses forward, into the present, with a simple and likeable voice of a life – if not saved – then at least marked by rock’n’roll. Bridges… reads like a serial run of timeline postcards, a visual diary peppered with bits of magnetic poetry-constructed prose, and voiced by an impressionable kid growing up under the influence of American television.