The Heroine Sheiks
(Amphetamine Reptile)
by Jon Sarre
Ex-Cows front guy Shannon Selberg returns with a teaser look at his new effort, The Heroine (also occasionally spelt “Heroin” in the Amp Rep lit, clever) Sheiks (which he’s got peopled with assorted refugees from Foetus, Triplehammer, Grand Mal, and Sixteen Deluxe). The Sheiks don’t ride exactly as eclectically as the above exs may imply ( tho’ “Spanish Fly” on this EP sounds like Sergio Mendes doing “Hurdy Gurdy Man”), nevertheless the boss’ bovine reputation lends one to trust that this shit will be heavy duty rock. The band’s theme song “(We Are The)” twists in the eye of a hurricane, turning from noisy, upturned trash cans bouncing down your street at three a.m. to a walking bass stumbling up creaky stairs, at the top of which wheezes a defective trumpet (sorta hinting that something isn’t entirely right). Over that, Selberg wastes no time in saying exactly who they are. The Heroine Sheiks, pay attention!
(2200 4th Street NE #1 Minneapolis, MN 55418)