Confederacy of Ruined Lives (Century Media)
by Martin Popoff
Whether it’s the accelerated harshness of the noisecore and death world around them, or whether it’s actually happened, Eyehategod in their newer, soberer comeback suits are actually a more musical and enjoyable band. It’s still, technically speaking, sludgecore, but Eyehategod are now much closer to a slothful psychedelic stoner rock act than the obnoxious fumes of old. Michael Williams’ mixed-back holler is the main carry-over really, amidst a record with cool, warily melodic Sabbath riffs pounded home through the slow, methodical bashing most attributable to killing cousins Crowbar. And blasphemies of all blasphemies, the production is civil and responsible, lots of projecting guitars, all frequencies represented, like I say, Williams characteristically pushed back to give it that classic, smothering Eyehategod unease. Hopefully, with their drug daze behind them, Eyehategod will capitalize on this most accessible album yet. Although accessible, as always in metal, is a relative term.
(1453-A 14th St. #324 Santa Monica, CA 90404)