Primitive (Roadrunner)
by Martin Popoff
Right off the bat, the coolest thing about Primitive is the fact that Max Cavalera has not disassembled the Soulfly sound. With all the stylistic pressure out there, the Max hype, the Max and Gloria debacle, and out of that, weird Max camp things, we should be thankful that the thrash rasta masta didn’t pull a Queens of the Stone Age and get cute and watery on us. Primitive still rocks like the logical extension of Roots that the debut was. Sure, as expected, diversions are a little more diversionary. Witness the slacker Sean Lennon collaboration, “Son Song,” and that R&B chorus to “Flyhigh.” But much of the rest is Max’s unique, highly ethnic and rhythmic thrash metal, even when Tom Araya shows up for a basher called “Terrorist,” even as two of four members of the band from the debut have flown the (Gloria’s) coop. One other constant and unique flavor: percussion by the Brazil/Jamaica Connection, who tap tap tap their way through Soulfly’s roarcore and softcore moments alike. It’s the same album again though, and I’m glad. Max has got it goin’ on.
(902 Broadway, 8th fl. New York, NY 10010)