Faded Grey
A Quiet Time of Desperation (Indecision)
by Tim Den
While all three claim allegiance to “old school hardcore,” Raised Fist really stands out amongst the three. They all have speed, power chords, and lots of screaming, but Raised Fist takes the pummeling to a level higher by using producer Daniel Bergstrand (Meshuggah, Machine Head) to get their huge sound. Imagine None except at breakneck speed. That’s Raised Fist: A flying piece of dense steel, traveling at over 300 mph. The sheer momentum of it makes you feel like someone stuck your head into the pistons of a monster truck. The cylinders smash at lightning speed as the truck flies down the road, all at the expense of your skull. And don’t even get me started on the nuclear bomb they make out of Gorilla Biscuit’s (too often covered) “New Direction.” Oh yeah, Faded Grey sounds like a more youth crew version of Death By Stereo (with occasional Lifetime guitar melodies), while Backfire! is pretty much the standard Warzone clone.
(PO Box 5781 Huntington Beach, CA 92615; 2798 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90026; Broekstraat 10 1730 Kobbegem Belgium)