Bits & Pieces
by Scott Hefflon
Theologian (finally) joins the label sampler crew with Bits & Pieces, a 25-song sampler containing rare/out-of-print tracks by Pennywise, Dead Tree, and Sugar Britches as well as previously unreleased tracks by The Shutdowns, Cheater, Cigar, The Goods, Prop 13, Deviates, and Mute 98, the latter two being recently signed to Epitaph. Fast and honest-sounding (some of these songs date back to the early/mid-’90s), the sound of classic punk without the big over-production budget, this is just pure adrenaline and sneering fun. Other bits & pieces of pure punk mayhem: Pseudo Heroes, Homemade, F.Y.P., War Called Peace, Out of Order, and Fishsticks.
(PO Box 1070 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254)