Blind Horse Campaign (Dead Canary)
by Craig Regala
Comin’ clean to y’alls, these guys are friends of mine and I dig their non-metal, non-punk, hard gunch hard rock stroll. They’re blastin’ outta the Midwest like an errant ’80s Homestead band tanked on beer, Volcano Suns recs, and James Gang bootlegs spun on 45. These guys are the promise that there really is kickass-indie rock that owes naught to the emo-boy’s Elvis Costello/Weezer songbook. Grafton are in the fine tradition of buckshot rock jerked through Nirvana’s rotting corpse. MEN, men who fix their own cars, go to work on four hours sleep, get up, practice, and play gigs for beer money. This is culture, not that cute shit that major clothing advertisers sell you as hip, relevant, and edgy. Don’t buy the lie, even if it means dealing with guys who are people like you and me, not media constructs. Anyone who had a miner in the family knows what a dead canary means.
(PO Box 10276 Columbus, OH 43201)