Big Midnight
Everything For The First Time (Alive/Bomp)
by Brian Varney
The kinda record where the word “mainline” is used in a non-drug context and appears before you get to the first chorus. Hellacopters naysayers may say that band is too derivative to influence others, but said naysayers have obviously never heard Big Midnight because it’s pretty obvious these guys dig the later-period ‘Copters in a big way, which makes ’em OK guys in my book. It doesn’t necessarily mean I’m gonna like their band, but I do. Opener “Doin’ All Right” is strictly Mick Taylor-era Stones-by-numbers (by way of Soundtrack of Our Lives’ “Sister Surround,” but that’s another discussion), but I own somewhere between 20 and 30 Rolling Stones albums, so I say bring it on (but lose the sub-Strokes fashion casualty look, eh?).
(PO Box 7112 Burbank, CA 91510)