Avoid One Thing
Chopstick Bridge (Side One Dummy)
by Ewan Wadharmi
It’s sort of our policy to grant Boston bands impunity. So let me say hooray for Narrowsmith! Viva Le Cars! Tom Scholtz, you mad genius, they named the town after your indulgence! And now Avoid One Thing. Well, I wouldn’t avoid it altogether, but it’s pretty much straightforward rock without much of a signature. Not metal, not punk, and not bad. Just hard rock that can be dismissed with all the ceremony of a Trump apprentice. While stronger than their debut, some of the guitar lines are nagging bits of sing-song noodling, which match Gittleman’s mild melodies. Gang Green/Bosstones bassist Joe Gittleman’s gruff, deliberate vocals hint at Social Distortion. Amy Griffin’s unique voice is welcome warmth in a batch of songs with the same tone. Her novelty “The Airplane” is a neat little juxtaposition of stylized folk and smirking tragedy that could’ve gone on for another three minutes or so with no complaints.