Children of Bodom – Trashed, Lost and Strung Out – Review

childrenofbodom200Children of Bodom

Trashed, Lost and Strung Out (Century Media)
by Eric Chon

This is what an EP should be: Short, sweet, and incredibly kick-ass. The Hatecrew always delivers, and Trashed, Lost and Strung Out is no exception. The new songs on this EP showcase a maturation of their evolving melodic death metal. It’s more complex and more varied, but undeniably Children of Bodom. Alexi Laiho’s stratospheric guitar is in top form, as “Knuckleduster” showcases with aplomb.

And what would an EP be without its requisite cover? Nothing is quite as awesome as Children of Bodom covering Andrew W.K.’s “She Is Beautiful.” I love Andrew W.K., and this is an amazingly kick-ass cover.

Children of Bodom have successfully whetted our appetite for their next album. The three new songs (“Trashed, Lost and Strung Out,” “Knuckleduster,” and “Bed of Nails”) are bad-ass, and the cover is excellent. Take heed, Arch Enemy: This is how it should be done.