Catch 22
Live (Victory)
By Jessica Parker
I gotta hand it to them, ska bands are generally the most captivating bands live. They have an intense energy and a love for playing that doesn’t always come across for other bands. Does it come with having horns? The experience of a Catch 22 show definitely comes across on this album, which begins with an instrumental track that proves their talent and worth as a band to rock out to. The sound of the album is full and energetic. From the vocals to the horns to the drums, you can tell everything’s being put out there for the fans. You can almost see the sweat pouring off their faces from just listening to this live album. They don’t stop or slow down for 21 tracks. Nary a slow beat, just pumping ska. How did that audience last? Did they really skank the entire time? Never mind them, the band doesn’t sound exhausted by show’s end, and that, my friend, is awesome. The CD also comes with a DVD that contains a few music videos and live footage from the show that the album comes from. And yes, there’s that sweat I envisioned. Hats off to a band that still rocks out with all their hearts for their fans.