Memoirs of a Closet Goth
by Scott Hefflon
This lil four-song EP is much like what you’d expect from the title. Interestingly, the first two singles are my least favorite of the four, “Redeemer” being my second favorite, and also appearing on the Lollipop mp3 CDs. The best track, to these ears, is the closer, “Battle of Evermore.” The verses are nice and open, Mina hits all the notes (always important to me, though others don’t seem as bugged by missed notes as me), and while the chorus can get a little dodgey, it’s haunting, and that counts for a lot. The rest’ll comes with time. If you’ve written four songs and two of them are good, and one of them potentially quite good with some polish and honing in on the parts that work best, the “simple” act of writing a couple dozen more songs and having the know-how to work ’em and ditch the least successful few is the path to success.