The Epoxies – Stop the Future – Review

theepoxies200The Epoxies

Stop the Future (Fat)
by Ewan Wadharmi

We need to talk. We can’t continue to call this ’80s music, because it’s two thousand ought six and people are still making this stuff. New Wave is also increasingly inaccurate. Is Next Wave taken? Progressive retro? The Epoxies have little to do with underground goofballs The Zom Zoms or Fischerspooner’s cock-rock wrapped in cellophane. They’ve written genuine songs that would translate into your choice of styles, they just happen to be set in a synthesized setting with a background of punky guitars. Rather than a watered-down nostalgic journey, they’ve picked up from 1985 and are moving forward. Singer Roxy Epoxie has the confidence it takes to pull this off without tongue-in cheek irony. The musicians are careful to dot the t’s and cross the eyes, giving each song its own identity, from exiting electro-punk to chilling, poignant ballads. Stop the Future is like totally bitchin’, I’m sooo sure.
