Two members of Sleep, the legendary proto-stoner ’90s trio, Chris Hakius and Al Cisneros, return after a long sabbatical as bass-and-guitar stoner duo, OM.
A reasonably in-depth analysis, and even if there isn’t much new information for the hardcore geeks, the performance footage is enough to make it worthwhile.
A reasonably in-depth analysis (almost two hours), and even if there’s not much new information for the hardcore geeks, the performance footage is enough.
Peccatum crossed with Emperor, stitched together by the occasional and brief prog metal tendencies of either of those that might be described as mainstreamy.
The boys belly-flop into the deep mud-clogged river of America and belch out steel-shod blues shorn of beer rock, record collector ass-covering, and minutiae.
The moody, mid-tempo moments of The Crown set to melodic rock vocals and a groovy vibe. A brooding trek into a somber night, heart filled with heavy emotions.