10,000 Days (Sony BMG)
by Martin Popoff
Odd how these human mirages can go away for so long and then come back, making the same arch-Tool music as if they’re really about one long triple, quadruple, eminently editable album. Always gotta be different with the packaging, so this time we get stereoscopic lenses (which I can’t get to work), wrapped hard and substantial around music that is the same. And you can add impenetrable without major investment to that, Tool create dozens of their circular, swirling structures (loops, but for their proud and heavy man-made construction), not much logic to where one starts and stops. Just like the last record, I doubt I’m going to be crawling inside this finely-engineered machine for a squinted examination of every bolt. And it doesn’t help that Maynard emits hostility and the band as a brand, misanthropy. Lots and lots of drugged pictured go there too, and in dodgy stereo, but we’re asked to work and work some more for the (not provided) lyrics, which will, upon further read, be haughty and enigmatic, and just plain mean. Still, fact is, Tool have invented a sound all their own, which is commendable, and the drumming is a joy, the recording dripping in riches as well. Spaces are there, many bits (it’s almost too much of a chore to dissect by song) riding on bass lines with guitar as expert (are Tool not red ribbon at anything?!) colorizing.