The Marmozets
(Roadrunner Records)
release date: 11/18/2013v
by Scott Hefflon
Mixing the best parts of Paramore and The Distillers is marketing genius, not that these teens knew what a marketing twit was when they formed. This clunkily-named band has angsty roar, belted-out melodies, and some tenderness (watch for the knife beneath the pillow), slathered atop powerpop riffery and stick-twirling rock-a-rama drumming. “Move Shake Hide” has psychosis and stuttering fist-banging sprinkled amidst infectious choruses, a sure sign of songsmith intervention (or these kids are that talented that quickly). A young new UK band, very little info on them (even on the web, which has details of your favorite band’s last dump), and one to get to know, stupid name or not.