The Reverend Horton Heat – Ace of Spades – Music Stream

Reverend Horton Heat

“Ace of Spades”
Fun-Guy Records
release date: May 21, 2024
by Scott Deckman

The cover that needed to happen — or didn’t — depending on your point of view, sees the Reverend taking on dirt-rock classic “Ace of Spades” by Motörhead. What can I possibly say about one of rock’s standard-bearer songs that hasn’t already been said? Not much, though the Reverend’s weaker vocals pale next to Lemmy’s crusty, caustic, thrum. The music is also an angel hair faster than the original, but stays very close in homage. No real surprises here, just one legendary underground band covering another barely-aboveground legendary band’s most well-known song. 

Give it a whirl.
