Ex-Idols – Pill Popper – Review

February 1, 1994

Frantic beats and sneering vocals, mix in acoustic strumming, howls, screeches, mellow-man crooning, megaphoned schmaltz, and standard group shout choruses.

Scratch – Review

December 1, 1993

The demise of Boston’s punk gods Gang Green left many shuffling their feet, dreaming of daze gone by. The Stilphen Bros. are back with an attitude.

Lobby Magnets – Review

September 1, 1993

These guys have that toss-your-head-from-side-to-side energy. What they lack in flash, they more than compensate for with catchy hooks and overall fun.

The Cinch – Review

June 1, 1993

The Cinch, formerly Livewire (and no, they were never a Mötley CrĂŒe cover band!), is essentially a be-bop party band.

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