It was a good idea the first time, and it’s a good idea now, although four discs worth of ’70s covers does seem to be pushing things to the saturation point.
For this split EP, the band is joined on vocals by stoner legend Wino (St. Vitus, Obsessed, Spirit Caravan). Sounds like a match made in heaven, and it is.
Plenty of bands play this heavily at tempos this slow, but very few make it breathe like Acid King. The grooves are simple and fluid with plenty of space.
Little to no actual songcraft happening here, but lotsa heavy riffing, grumbling low-end, and psychotic, tortured vocals for six to ten minutes at a time.
This comp swings a huge horse dick of walloping smut that pulls from bands you may not recognize yet, but will if you have any interest in organic meta-spew.
The low-end drone is its Salisbury steak, the L7-ish vocals are the mashed potatoes with gravy, and the ’70s acid rock nostalgia kick is its peas and carrots.